Considering the actively developed gambling business in the United States, the relationship between the country’s geographic location and its addiction to gambling has become interesting.
What the statistics say?
A professor from Washington, David Patterson Silver Wolfe, actively studied the problem of gambling addiction and came to the conclusion that people in North America are more addicted to gambling than other populations in the United States. Statistics clearly reveal ethnic connection and play: almost 2.5% of Indians with American roots are prone to gambling addiction. This figure is twice the average data on dependence on the game of the entire adult population of the state.
Thus, it influences the usual image of a person, exacerbating his addictions.
Thanks to these statistics, David spent more time examining the impact of the game on the American Indians. And he made the following conclusion: those who abstain from drugs and alcoholic beverages, lead a traditional lifestyle, are less prone to gambling addiction. Thanks to the knowledge gained about the culture of his people, his habits and way of life, the study of the language, the Indian has a better chance of maintaining his health than the one who is not interested in this way of life.
The large variation in official statistics indicates the difference in the number of jobs provided by tribal gaming establishments. According to AGA statistics, this figure is equal to 600 thousand, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics – only 100 thousand.
Tribal gambling establishments were made available through the Gambling Regulatory Act of 1988. Indian casinos are now located in 28 states, with profitability of $ 32 billion in 2018 (statistics taken from the American Gambling Association).
All profits generated from gaming operations are distributed to the needs of the communities. This includes education, the improvement of all household spheres, providing various types of services and also for the development of innovations. Therefore, for the development of the community, they support the interest in gambling among citizens.
However, some citizens say that they would not like to work in a casino for a number of reasons. One of which is a negative impact on human health. Smoke from cigarettes, alcoholic drinks – all this leaves an imprint on the health and psyche of the employee. Thanks to the work provided by the casino, the Indians can pay their bills, but they do not like this work. There are adherents who, because of a thrifty attitude to their health, refuse to work there.
One of the statements of a tribal Indian says that if it was possible to refuse to build a casino, he would refuse.
Jack Conrad is a veteran player
Jack Conrad was born in Oklahoma. And it was impossible not to play, because 130 casinos are located on the territory of his state. Even taking into account the move to Missouri, Kansas City, it did not save him from addiction – there are 6 gambling halls.
All this left an imprint on the gambling addict, he suffered from addiction. The attitude helped him to overcome him. Thanks to this, he believes that weaknesses need to be faced and the only way to overcome them.
Not only this influenced the decisive rejection of games. Visiting anonymous gamblers gave him a clear understanding that his whole life is at stake. From the stories, he clearly realized that he could also lose not only his job, but also his home. Destroy a family and lose children. This story left an indelible mark on Jack’s decision. And the games were over.
Silver Wolfe insists on his conclusion, stating that gambling addiction is a disease of the brain, and not at all about personal qualities, weakness or soullessness.